The First Blockchain Factory
In Indonesia

Welcome to Engramlabs, your gateway to cutting-edge blockchain solutions first in Indonesia. Harness the power of blockchain with our innovative services designed to revolutionize industries and drive growth.
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Highly Configurable, for multiple use cases

Immutable Data

Explore a world of possibilities with our blockchain as a service (BaaS) factory. Benefit from enhanced security, unparalleled transparency, and streamlined operations. We empower businesses to thrive in the digital era.

Public Blockchain Service

We specialize in customizing public blockchains that redefine the way data is managed and shared. Harness the transformative potential of open and transparent ledgers.

Private Blockchain Service

We specialize in crafting private blockchains custom to safeguard your digital assets and sensitive information. Our expert team ensures unparalleled security and confidentiality.

Private Blockchain Consortia

We specialize in building custom blockchain consortia that redefine collaboration across industries. Our expertise lies in crafting decentralized ecosystems where stakeholders seamlessly interact.

Decentralized Application

We help build DeFi apps and tools on the largest crypto projects across multiple networks. Get started with quick start guides, protocol documentation, Javascript SDK, and open source code.

IPFS Gateway

IPFS Gateway fully decentralised peer-to-peer, our gateway offers decentralized and distributed file storage, ensuring unparalleled reliability and accessibility.

Blockchain Product Consulting

Guide in navigating the complexities of decentralized solutions. Our seasoned consultants bring unparalleled expertise to the table, offering strategic insights and tailored advice to elevate your Blockchain.
Sustainable Development Goals

Unstoppable Data

Engramlabs empowers SMEs and Company by ensuring secure and censorship-resistant data storage on the blockchain. Serving as the dedicated data uploading arm for select projects, we enhance public goods with sophistication. Our strategic approach aligns with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), aiming to make a significant, positive, and lasting impact on society through technology.
Odyssey Graphic
Real-World Usecase

Where ideas and innovators come together

Engramlabs provides a complete stack of essential base layer components for developers. Build your any model Tokens, dApps, NFT Marketplace, Wallet etc, all within a decentralised framework!
Stryatum is a peer-to-peer execution client built with golang that connects you with other peers all over the world to become part of the Engram network, a global P2P network that aims to secure chain and distribute all of the world's data.
1 The Execution client layer that scale super fast

--http ($STRM_HTTP)
--http.addr ($STRM_HTTP_ADDR)
--http.api ($STRM_HTTP_API)
--http.port ($STRM_HTTP_PORT)
--http.header ($STRM_HEADER)
--rpc.evmtimeout ($STRM_RPC_EVMTIMEOUT)
--rpc.allow-unprotected-txs ($STRM_RPC_ALLOW_UNPROTECTED_TXS)
--keystore ($STRM_KEYSTORE)
--networkid ($STRM_NETWORKID)
Our Latest Works

Engram News

An open-source, Powered by Engram Network.


Dukung Ekosistem Publik Blockchain di Indonesia, Engram Labs mengundang 10 perusahaan stakeholder untuk membangun budaya baru.
Development Updates

Development Updates

Engramlabs berpartner dengan PT Metasmesta untuk membangun Blockchain PoA bagi UMKM lokal.
Development Updates

Development Updates

Engramlabs meluncurkan public blockchain testnet dan menyelengarakan incentvized testnet.
Trusted Protocols for Better Ecosystem

Global Islamic Digital Ecosystem

GLIDE was built as a blockchain-based ecosystem protocol by the original blockchain from Indonesia, by prioritizing data sovereignty and adaptive systems in the development of the halal ecosystem in Indonesia, so that it can be accepted and accessed locally and globally. Not only in terms of halal certification, this protocol is expected to be able to contribute as a country standard throughout the world.
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From Code to Connection, We Create One Ecosystem.

in Chains, Freedom in Blockchain.

Harmony in Chains, Freedom in Blockchain encapsulates our commitment to weaving a seamless connection between traditional systems and the liberating potential of blockchain technology.

Engram Network

Engram Network is a revolutionary blockchain protocol made by ddecentralized community for accelerating real-world sector smartcontracts utilities.


The ecosystem of the islamic economy harmonizes ethics with innovation, and combines real commitment with actual development objectives in order to meet the aspirations of humanity at large, regardless of the circumstances.


Golang based client execution. It excels in managing transactions, deploying, and executing smart contracts within the Ethereum ecosystem. At its core lies an Support Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM).

Kvantum Network

Developers, traders, and liquidity providers participate together in a financial marketplace that is open and accessible to all.

Lyzo One

Lyzo One A dynamic hub of trusted Validators, Revolutionize the financial industry by providing users with greater control and ownership over their assets.